What is a Bernedoodle?

A bernedoodle is a cross between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a poodle. The Bernese brings qualities such as loyalty, a fun-loving spirit, gentleness and affection. The poodle is intellient, instinctual, and the curly coat minimizes shedding.

A first generation bernedoodle, where one parent is a Bernese Mountain Dog and one is a poodle, is called an F1. A second generation bernedoodle, or F2, is when both parents are bernedoodles (neither is a purebred Berner or poodle). An F1b is when a bernedoodle is bred back to either a bernese or poodle. Commonly, an F1b will be a bernedoodle and poodle mix, to ensure more of the hypoallergenic qualities of the curly hair.

Size is another differentiation within the breed. A standard size bernedoodle is a Bernese mountain dog and a standard poodle cross. These are large dogs, with the size of both parents being about the same. A mini bernedoodle is a cross between a Bernese and a mini poodle. The minis usually range in the 40 pound class, and are a medium sized dog. The micro Bernedoodle is a Bernedoodle bred back to a toy poodle, (F1b puppies), making these babies no larger than 20 pounds.

Are Bernedoodles good with kids?

Yes, they are excellent family dogs! A bernedoodle is gentle and intuitive, but fun loving and active. We find that this breed can run with kids all day, but loves to snuggle quietly with their family in the down time. They also get along well with other pets. 

The bernese is a great family dog, adapting well to an active lifestyle in the outdoors, or apartment living, with walks to ensure enough exercise. They are very loyal dogs, and love people, so no matter what you do, your bernedoodle will be happy doing it with you.

What do you recommend I buy for my new puppy?

I find myself a minimalist in a lot of areas, and dog ownership is one of those. Dogs need very little to be happy, in reality. Health and safety mandate a few items that I will recommend, however.

We highly recommend crate training.  A crate is a safe zone for most dogs, and many will seek out some quiet time there to recharge away from others. In addition, crating a dog when you're away from home keeps him safe from himself. Bored or anxious dogs can (and do) dig through trash, destroy household items (including furniture), can chew electrical cords, or potty in the house. A good crate size for a mini bernedoodle, even as an adult, would be 24x27x36. A crate pad would be a welcome bed inside the crate for your pup.

A leash, collar and harness are essential for walking your dog. A collar is a good thing for your puppy to wear to keep ID on him, but we recommend leash training your new puppy with a harness to minimize pulling on the sensitive throat of a baby. Once he's leash trained, leading with a collar is perfectly fine.

A good vet is the only other recommendation that we have. Your vet will help you choose a good food, let you know what vaccines are needed, and help you choose a flea and tick treatment that feels right for you. Having a good relationship with your vet is your dog's best health and safety defense.

A reliable groomer, and a brush for home brushing is important. A bernedoodle will need haircuts, as well as grooming at home between salon appointments. 

Besides these essentials, there are so many things you'll WANT to buy your new puppy, because spoiling babies is what we do best. Each dog has it's preference on what toy it loves best, so we recommend introducing a variety of safe ones for your dog to try. Many love the soft stuffies, but be aware of small pieces such as eyes, that may come off and be a choking hazard. Treats are also things we love to spoil dogs with. Treats and dog food come in so many varied forms and quality levels that it's best to do your own research to know what you're comfortable with. We are always happy to answer any questions in regard to this, if you have concerns. We feed Purina Pro Plan or Purina One to our adult dogs (upon our vet's recommendation), and The Honest Kitchen as a healthier supplement as needed.

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